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Application for Interstas

You can apply for the event by downloading an MS Word document or filling out an online form.
Please note that application deadline is 15th of October in the current year!


MS Word document

If you would like to apply via MS Word document please download it, fill in the fields and email it back at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Online form

Fields marked withare required.

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Candidate for*
Golden Interstas
Candidate for special acknowledgment

1. Applicant:

Full name *
Web site address *
Registrates *
Address *
PO Box and City *
Country *
Director *
Contact person *
E-mail address *
Contact number *
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2. Classification of applicant

Tourist board, Association, Government organization
Tour operator, Travel agency, Tourist-bureau
Carriers by land/sea/air
Hotel/caterers, Accommodation services, Other services
Other tourist services, Insurers/Bankers
Manufacturers of goods and equipment, market, Publishing houses


The applicant pays a registration fee of 1.350 EUR, to the account of the project developer FISCALIS d.o.o. Split, on behalf of the processing costs of the application, and preparation until the final realization.
The registration fee includes:

  • Secured space for presentation of applicants during the business part of the program events of the event.
  • Accreditation: 4 official accreditations / free access to all events of the event during its duration, opening and closing ceremonies.
  • 4 seats at the closing ceremony and gala evening, plus the extra cost of hotel accommodation paid by the Applicant.

The registration fee is paid upon confirmation of the official nomination of the applicant, in the name of application processing costs, the preparation until the final realization, based on the invoice. Payment is made on FISCALIS d.o.o. Vukovarska 6, HR – 21000 Split. IBAN: HR1024070001100618909.


95 EUR - Registration
130 EUR - Necessary enrollment in the catalog
65 EUR - Additional accreditation per person

For other participants, representatives of the applicants who wish to attend the final awards ceremony and gala evening. Accreditation is 65 EUR per person.

(VAT is not included in the price)

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5) Necessary enrollment in the catalog:

1.Includes listing in the Catalog: Logo / sign, full name of the exhibitor, contact address, website address, e-mail, contact person, and a short description of the activity up to 30 words:

Short description *

6) *We order comercial advertisment in catalogue (Format A/4, dim. 210x297mm)

Select a catalog ad type*
Inner page, advertisement 1/4 in colour: 170 EUR
Inner page, advertisement 1/2 in colour: 280 EUR
Partition (format: 100x295 mm) in colour: 350 EUR
Inner page, 1/1 in colour: 510 EUR

In order to participate in the event, you must accept the Conditions of exhibition and the Privacy Policy

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