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Program description


32nd INTERSTAS '2025 / International tourist, tourfilm, landscape festival - International Club merited for tourism
28th ITF'CRO 2025 / International tourfilm festival
23th KEA - CRO 2025 / Competition of Croatian towns and places for – International Golden flower – CiB 2025 and "Lucija"


All three International manifestations are held at the same time: November 2024, 13th - 15th Solin, Croatia.

Participant countries from previous manifestations - INTERSTAS, International tourfi lm festival:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Chile, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Croatia, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Israel, South Africa, China, Canada, Lebanon, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, New Zealand, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Samoa, USA, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland,Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.


All three manifestations have international type. INTERSTAS/ International tourist, tourfi lm, lanscape festival, and Workshop, ITF’CRO/ International tourfilm festival, KEA-CRO/ International competition of Croatian towns and places for International Golden Flower - CiB. In addition to protocolar ceremonies and assignation of International Certificates – International Golden Flower - CiB, Diplomas, Charts as well as Festival prizes and Grand Prix ITF'CRO, there have been assigned 2 business days for gatherings with people who make a decision about International and Croatian tourism, presentations of your products and services to professionals and other visitors, signing the contract for the upcoming season. Tourfi lm festival gathers producers and authors of the tourist films as well as large number of members of tourist movie industry.

The Aims:

All three manifestations in function of tourism, culture, ecology and sustainable development, contribute to encouragement of international integration process of contemporary tourism. INTERSTAS/International tourism festival - contributes to encouragement of travel development, satisfying offer of new age highly demanding tourism in all of its segments. ITF’CRO /International tourfilm festival contributes to a development and valorization of tourist fi lm production, emphasizing the ambient, landscape, infrastructure, communicational and other signifi cant features, presenting “differences” of tourism and culture from original geological individual sites, places, regions and countries. KEA-CRO/Competition of Croatian towns and places/villages for INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN FLOWER - CiB, contributes to the awareness about environment protection, sustainable development, ecology and quality of life.

Presentation at INTERSTAS/Workshop:

  • Tourist offer: Signifi cant individual Locations and Places, Regions and Cities, Provinces, Countries
  • Travels, Winter tourism, holidays, exotic and sunny destinations, summer vacations, excursions, hobby, nautics, Cruises, leisure, Rural tourism, Country estates, eco-tourism, sports, recreation, culture, other
  • Alternative, individual, Group tourism
  • Attractive arrangements: Continent, Hinterland,Islands, Coast
  • Tourist info, Telecom and Internet systems
  • Tourist engineering, Consulting, Media
  • Equipment, tools and accessories for hotel management, catering industry, gardening, hobbies

Participants of INTERSTAS, ITF'CRO/International tourfilm festival, and KEA-CRO:

  • National, regional, city, municipal and local administration, selfadministration, and state institutions
  • State, District, Regional, City, Municipal, Local Tourist Boards, associations and organizations
  • Tour operators, Tourist and Travel agencies
  • Hotels and caterers
  • Sellers of all accommodation, alternative and other complete arrangements
  • Representatives of: congress centers, health, village, religious, cultural, sports, agro tourism, national parks, eco-sites
  • Transporters by land, sea, and air
  • Prijevoznici: kopnom, morem i zrakom
  • Insurance companies, Transporters, Bankers, PTT
  • Film authors, producers and other holders of fi lm, video, service, graphic and other accompanying tourist services
  • Producers of goods, equipment, tools and accessories for hotels, restaurants, gastronomy, ambiance, relaxation, sports, recreation, leisure, hunting, fishing

Expert and accompanying events:

  • Tourist forum, professional and scientifi c meetings, promotions, exhibitions, tourist design and graphic presentations,
  • Video and retrospective film projections,
  • Press conferences,
  • Vocational gatherings and excursions

Exhibition area prices:

  • Exhibition area: 85 EUR /m2 (completely equipped interior booth - min. size 12m2)
  • Workshop area: 60 EUR/m2 (rugged interior area – walls for posters, info pult, 2 chairs - minimum size 6m2)
  • Investors place: 180 EUR (investors table, 2 chairs, label - min. size 2m2)

INTERSTAS and KEA-CRO working hours:

For business and individual visitors: manifestation opens on 13th of November from 10:00 to 18:00, and 15th of November from 10:00 to 13:00 o'clock.

ITF'CRO/International tourfilm festival working hours:

For authors, directors, film producers, international jury, journalists and audience, according to a program of movie projections, for all the days of Festival duration, from 13th of November, till 15th of November, 2024.

Entrance on the Festival and Workshop:

Entrance allowed only with official accreditation card.


Catalogue INTERSTAS, ITF'CRO and KEA/EFE'CRO, for accredited guests only.


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Troughout the manifestation at the entrance on the Festival will be working InfoINTERSTAS spot.
